Dundas Studio Tour 2016

DST 2016

We are pleased to announce that once again, John will be taking part in the Dundas Studio Tour

John is very pleased to be displaying his mandalas @ the home of Kristina Kirkwood again this year!!  Kristina has been a wonderful host and has made him feel very welcome.


Many of you have made an effort to see us year after year, and we look forward to seeing you there!!



Saturday, October 1st.  &  Sunday, October 2nd.

Time: 10:00am-5:00pm

47 Livingstone Drive, Dundas



For directions and more information, click here:

The AGOG Christmas Show

AGOG-web small 2015Join us Dec. 12th. @ the studio of Teresa Seaton with fellow members of AGOG for the annual  Christmas Show and Sale.


Several of John's mandalas and other Christmas items will be on display with Christmas themed works from the other talented members of AGOG. 


Date: December 2015
Time: Thursday - Sunday 11am - 5 pm
Monday - Wednesday by chance or appointment
Call or Text (905) 510 5030

Teresa Seaton Studio and Gallery

654 Spring Gardens Road

Burlington, ON

Opening Reception: Saturday, December 12th. @ 4pm.
For directions to the studio click here


It's a Christmas Party!!

Waterdown Christmas PartyPlease join us for an afternoon Christmas Party @ The Creative Hub in Waterdown on Nov. 28th. 


This promises to be a fun afternoon for both children and adults with works from local artists, fun events for the kids and Christmas goodies.



Saturday, November 28th.


10am - 4 pm


The Creative Hub

23 Main St South
Waterdown, ON
L0R 2H0


For directions click here:



Putting it together...

Bit, by bit…Notes

John is busy with his art year-round, but it seems that this time of year, like no other, we are frantically trying to get everything up date and prepare ourselves for the annual Dundas Studio Tour.  It’s an exciting time, because it means that he gets to show off all that he has created over the summer, but it can also be stressful; full of lists and last minute preparations.


Once again, John will be displaying his mandalas @ the home of Kristina Kirkwood.


 DST2015  Date: Saturday, October 3rd.  to Sunday, October 4th.
 Time:  10:00am-5:00pm

47 Livingstone Drive, Dundas


  For directions and more information, click here:


The tour is very special to John since it was the first major display of his artwork and what started him on this journey.  The location and themes may change but as he enters his 6th. year on the tour what John looks forward to most is seeing his “regulars” who come to see what’s new. 

And this year, there is quite a lot!! Smiley


As always, you can check on the Photo Gallery to see his latest mandala creations.

In addition to his latest mandala creations, you’ll also see 2 new categories in the Store


 Mandala Stones Mandala Ornaments


We hope you enjoy all of these updates and look forward to seeing you soon!!

T'is The Season.....

AGOG Christmas

...for another Art Show!!


Starting on November 15th., John will be exhibiting his work @ the studio of Teresa Seaton with fellow members of AGOG for a spectacular
Christmas Show and Sale.


Several of John's mandalas will be on display as well as several Christmas themed works from the other talented members of AGOG. 



Saturday, November 15th. to

Tuesday, December 23rd.

Time: Thursday - Sunday 11am - 6 pm
Monday - Wednesday by chance or appointment
Call or Text (905) 510 5030

Teresa Seaton Studio and Gallery

654 Spring Gardens Road

Burlington, ON

Opening Reception: Saturday, November 15th.
3pm till fall down
For directions to the studio click here:


Art in Action

Art in Action


This year John will be displaying his mandalas in the Art in Action, Burlington Studio Tour.  This is the 12th. year for this extremely popular tour and he is very excited to be a part of it. 

For those of you that may have missed the Dundas Valley Show this is another great opportunity to see John's work in person and we hope that you can join us.



Saturday, November 1st. &

Sunday, November 2nd.

Time: 10:00am-5:00pm
Studio 9,
377 Cosburn Crescent, Burlington, ON
Pre Tour Reception: Art Gallery of Burlington
Community Gallery
Sunday October 19th
2 - 4pm

Please join us @ Studio 9 where you will
also see the work of these other talented artists.



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Dave Lawson


Peter Schlotthauer

Artist Blacksmith

Tammy Warren

Jewellery Artist


For directions and more information visit the tour website
or download the brochure here:

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